Our Values

We are an investment management firm that holds itself to the highest levels of professional integrity and code of conduct. Our core values remain an integral part of AGC’s ethos, help define our investment approach, and are fundamental to the conduct of the firm; guiding our relationships with investors, portfolio companies, advisors and employees.

Our commitment to the highest standards has afforded AGC a reputation we are proud of and has helped us develop strong and lasting relationships with some of the world’s leading sovereign, institutional and high net-worth investors. We maintain open lines of communication with our investors to provide transparency over investment activities and asset management to fulfil our fiduciary duties.

As responsible investors, we are committed to fully integrating ESG into our investment process. We endeavour to take a responsible approach towards our portfolio companies; working closely with management teams and utilising our extensive network to help enhance the value of the businesses we invest in. We strive to ensure that our investments generate financial returns but also make a positive and lasting impact on the communities and environment in which our strategies operate. Comprehensive ESG assessments throughout the investment lifecycle help to manage risks and contribute to enhanced business performance. AGC Equity Partners is a signatory to UN PRI (UN Principles for Responsible Investment) and has been successfully audited against the requirements of Green Mark Certificate Level 1. Green Mark provides an internationally recognised environmental certification for companies that want to assure their clients & stakeholders that they are conducting business to recognised environmental standards.

We build lasting relationships with our operational partners and advisors to strengthen our value enhancement capacity.

AGC Equity Partners Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. AGC Equity Partners Middle East is Regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority ©2021 AGC Equity Partners. All Rights Reserved.

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