Legal Disclaimers

1) Introduction

In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (ie “GDPR”), in particular Article 12-“Transparant information and communication”, Article 13- “Information to be provided where collected from Data Subjects” and Article 14-“Information to be provided where not obtained from Data Subjects”, this Privacy Notice explains how AGC Equity Partners Limited (ie “AGC”) processes, stores and shares the personal data information of individuals. Additionally, it explains the rights of individuals in relation to their personal information processed by AGC.

2) Who We Are

AGC Equity Partners Limited is an alternative asset investment firm and is authorised and regulated by the UK regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (licence FRN number 480570).

The registered address is 33 Davies Street, London, W1K 4LR, United Kingdom.

The telephone number is +44 20 7959 3450. For the purposes of the GDPR law, AGC is defined as the Data Controller.

3) Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments concerning this Privacy Notice, the name of our appointed Data Protection Officer is Sangeet Dhanani and the email address is [email protected]

4) The Purposes of the Processing Personal Information

4.1) If you are an existing or potential client or investor:

• Preparation and signing of investment contracts and / or fund applications

• Fulfilling our legal or regulatory obligations eg Anti-money laundering processes to prevent fraud or terrorist funding

• Distribution of investment report updates or private equity deals

• Processing requests received ·Managing of our relationships with clients / investors

• Recording of telephone conversations if discussing investment fund products

4.2) If you are an adviser of an existing or potential client or investor, or an employee of an institutional client, or you are exercising investment control on behalf of client / investor:

• Verifying your identity

• Fulfilling our legal or regulatory obligations

• Assessing and developing products with our institutional investors

• Managing the relationship with the advisors of our clients

• Emailing of marketing materials

Recording of telephone conversations if discussing investment fund products

4.3) If you are an existing or potential supplier:

• Verifying your identity

• Fulfilling our legal or regulatory obligations

5) The Source of the Personal Data

The majority of the information AGC processes comes directly from you, or your advisor, or your appointed intermediary.

AGC may also receive personal information concerning you from other sources such as:

• Events – whereby AGC attends or sponsors

• Compliance screening providers – whereby AGC undertakes anti-money laundering due diligence process controls

• Your employer – whereby AGC receives employee details as point of contacts from its institutional clients

6) The Lawful Basis for the Processing

Article 6-“Lawfulness of processing” of GDPR defines the various conditions to enable AGC to process your personal information legally when one or more of the following conditions have been satisfied:

Legal ConditionUse of Your Information by AGC

1) Consent

Your consent must be provided freely, in an informed manner and given with a positive affirmative action manner.

You can withdraw your prior consent at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer of AGC.


Your Consent will be requested if you select the email address on our Contact Us tab of the website.

A pop up banner will appear requiring you to select the option “Consent to processing your personal information”.

2) Performance of a Contract

Your personal information is necessary to the processing of a contract.

Performing and / or administrating your investments such as :

• Processing applications

Completing requests received from you eg change of personal details

Updating of your investments eg Fact Sheets or fund   valuation statements

Managing relationships with our institutional client investors or advisors of clients such as:

Contacting you for the effective performance of the contact

Relationship management eg queries or requests

Administration of Suppliers such as:

If you are an employee of any of our Suppliers concerning the negotiation of a contract or relationship management.

3) Compliance with a Legal Obligation

Your personal information is necessary for the legal obligations of AGC concerning anti- money laundering obligations being registered and authorised by the UK financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (ie “FCA”).

Verification of Identity and the Prevention of Fraud such as:

Know Your Client (ie “KYC”) process controls relating to identification documents eg Passport / Driving Licence

Employee back ground checks eg references / criminal and credit searches

Registration of Telephone Calls

Legal requirement under the MiFID II regulation to record the telephone lines of AGC for employees that undertake transmission and execution of investment orders for its fund products

4) Legitimate Interests

AGC my process personal information when it has a “legitimate interests” and such interests do not outweigh your privacy rights and freedoms.

Electronic marketing or telephone calling such as:

To promote effective communication of investments to existing investors

Market potential investments in private equity secondary programs to institutional client investors

7) The “Legitimate Interests” for the Processing

For existing clients and investors, AGC will use “Legitimate Interests” as the lawful basis concerning electronic marketing or the communication of the pending launches of new fund products, or the raising of investor interest in private equity deals. As per Article 21 “Right to Object” of GDPR, you have the right to object to your personal information being processed for Legitimate Interests. AGC will evaluate your objections and assess which activities affect your interests, or fundamental rights and freedoms.

8) The Categories of Personal Data Stored
AGC may collect and process the following personal information: A. Personal information ·This includes data such as name, date of birth and nationality. This type of information is required for legal obligations relating to Know Your Client (ie “KYC”) process controls. B. Unique Government Identifiers ·This includes identifier numbers on government documents such as passport or driving licence numbers and employee national insurance numbers. This type of information is required for legal obligations as per point A) above, or for the performance of contracts eg employees contracts. C. Contact Information ·This includes data such as email, postal address and phone number. This type of information is required for the performance of contract and managing relationships with our institutional client investors or advisors of clients. D. Financial Information ·This includes data such as bank account details in relation to payments of investments or payment of salaries to employees. This type of information is required for legal obligations as per point A) above, or for the performance of contract eg to invest in fund products or private equity deals. E. Third Party Information ·This includes data such as power of attorney information relating to the delegation of investments by clients or investors.

9) The Recipients of your Personal Information
A. AGC restricts the access of your personal information to only the relevant employees who require such data to conduct their day to day responsibilities. B. AGC may also share your personal information to third parties such as: ·Auditors and Legal advisors ·Service Providers eg Fund Administrators and Transfer Agents ·Financial regulators eg Financial Conduct Authority ·Governmental departments eg HM Revenue and Customs ·Credit and Fraud Prevention Agencies

10) The Transfers of Personal Information to Third Countries or International Organisations
AGC does not host Cloud storage in countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). However, AGC may disclose your data within the AGC Group which encompasses entities located outside the EEA. Where data is transferred outside the EEA, these entities will adhere to this policy. AGC has no direct contracts with Service Providers outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) which processes the personal information of EU citizens or residents. Concerning the investment fund products advised by AGC, it is possible that the Fund administrators servicing these products will share your data to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). The sharing of your personal data by the Fund administrators may be required as part of the process to identify and verify your personal information for their legal and regulatory obligations. You are advised to read the prospectus and / or subscription fund documents concerning the significance of such arrangements.

11) Security of Data
The security of your personal information is important to us. Our security policy measures include: ·The transfer of all data to our backup services are encrypted ·Fire walls ·Only authorised employees have access to personal data

12) The Retention period for Personal Data
AGC will comply with Article 5- “Principles relating to processing of personal data” of GDPR, in particular clause (E) which states that “personal data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for which the personal data is processed”. AGC retention period will be no longer than it’s governmental or regulatory obligations, or any specific contractual requirements. For the UK regulator, the FCA, the retention period (excluding pension transfers) of personal information is five years after the termination of client relationship. For the UK governmental department the HM Revenue and Customs, the retention period of personal information is six years plus the current year.

13) The Rights available to Individuals in respect of Processing
You can exercise your rights to the following by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at AGC. The DPO will respond to Subject Access Requests (ie SAR) of individuals within 30 days of receipt. 1) Right of Access to your Personal Information As per Article 15- “Right to Access by Data Subject” of GDPR, you have the right to obtain the data stored by AGC concerning your personal information. 2) Amending or Adding to your Personal Data Record As per Article 16- “Right to Rectification” of GDPR, you can have inaccurate or incomplete data stored by AGC corrected or added concerning your personal information. 3) Right to Erasure (ie Right to be forgotten) As per Article 17- ” Right to Erasure” of GDPR, you can ask AGC to delete your personal information in certain circumstances such as, AGC does not need to retain your information for legal or regulatory purposes, or you have withdrawn you Consent to process your information. 4) Restricting the processing of Personal Information As per Article 18- “Right to Restriction of Processing” of GDPR, you can contest the accuracy or the lawfulness of your personal information and stop the processing of this information until AGC has investigated your query. 5) Data Portability As per Article 20 “Right to Data Portability” of GDPR, you can request AGC to send a copy of your personal information in an electronic format to you or to another firm in its capacity as a Data Controller. 6) Right to Object As per Article 21 “Right to Object” of GDPR, you have the right to object to your personal information being processed for Direct Marketing purposes and for AGC to evaluate whether the processing of your personal information for Legitimate Interests affects your interests, or fundamental rights and freedoms.

14) The Right to Withdraw Consent
As per Article 7 “Conditions for Consent” of GDPR, you have the right to withdraw your prior consent of processing your personal information at any time.

15) The existence of Automated decision making including Profiling
AGC does not process the personal information of potential or existing clients or investors using machine learning algorithmic programmes such automated decision making rules or profiling.

16) The Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority
If you are unsatisfied with how AGC is processing your personal information data, or how AGC has responded to your Data Rights explained in Point 11 above, as per Article 77- “Right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority” of GDPR, you have the right to contact:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire,
SK9 5AF, UK.
Telephone number: 0303 123 1113 (local charge rate)

Under section 2.2.3R of the Conduct of Business Sourcebook (“COBS”) of the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), AGC Equity Partners Limited (the “Firm”) being registered and authorised by the FCA with reference number 480570 is required to make a public disclosure in relation to the nature of its commitment to the UK Stewardship Code ( the “Code”). The Code is voluntary and was published by the Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”) in July 2010 and subsequently revised in September 2012.

The Code aims to enhance the quality of engagement between institutional investors and companies to assist in improving long-term risk-adjusted returns to shareholders and the efficient exercise of governance responsibilities. It sets out good practice on engagement with investee companies and is to be applied by institutional investors on a “comply or explain” basis. The Code is directed in the first instance to institutional investors, such as asset managers with equity holdings in UK listed companies. The FRC recognises that not all parts of the Code will be relevant to all asset managers and that smaller institutions may judge some of the principles and guidance to be disproportionate. Furthermore, the FRC further recognises as legitimate that some institutional investors will not engage with companies, depending on their investment strategy and in such cases, institutional investors are required to “explain” why it is not appropriate to comply with a particular principle.

The seven principles of the Code state that institutional investors should:

1. Publicly disclose their policy on how they will discharge their stewardship responsibilities;

2. Have a publicly disclose a robust policy on managing conflicts of interest in relation to stewardship

3. Monitor their investee companies;

4. Establish clear guidelines on when and how they will escalate their stewardship activities;

5. Be willing to act collectively with other investors where appropriate;

6. Have a clear policy on voting and disclosure of voting activity; and

7. Report periodically on their stewardship and voting activities.


The Firm only acts as an adviser to AGC Equity Partners Investment Management Limited, which is an exempted company with limited liability registered in the Cayman Islands in relation to their managed accounts and investment fund mandates. In this capacity, the investment decision process of the Firm is not engaged in Stewardship activities. As such, while the Firm generally supports the underlying objectives of the Code, the Firm does not consider it must commit to this UK voluntary practice for UK listed equities.

Should any of the above change, the Firm will review its commitment to the Code at that time and make appropriate disclosures.

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This statement is made by AGC EQUITY PARTNERS LIMITED (“AGC”) on behalf of its ultimate parent company, AGC Equity Partners Holding Ltd (incorporated in the Cayman Islands) and such company’s direct, wholly owned subsidiaries (together with AGC, the “Group”) pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and comprises the Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement.

The Group is fundamentally committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains or in any part of its business. As a professional services supplier, the Group works to provide recipients of its services with the highest levels of service attainable and to deliver its business in a responsible and ethical way with integrity and transparency.

Aligned with these objectives is the Group’s wholehearted and active support for the aims of the Act.

In providing this annual statement, we are pleased to outline the steps that the Group has taken and is in the process of taking to meet these objectives.

Group Business

The Group holds certain private equity, liquid and real assets and also provides real estate leasing and operating services in the commercial real estate sector.

Group Supply Chains

Given the nature of the Group’s business, whilst cognisant and vigilant that the Group could be at risk of slavery or human trafficking within its own business, we consider that the perceived risk is principally through the Group’s supply chains either in procuring services to run its business or to deliver services to its clients. Those suppliers operate in numerous sectors, such as building and construction, facilities management, finance and utilities. The Group also works with other professionals, advisors and consultants, and contractors.

Group Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Group is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains or in any part of its business.The Group’s policy on anti-slavery reflects the Group’s commitment to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all its business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in its supply chains or business.

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

As part of the Group’s ongoing initiative to identify and mitigate risk, in those parts of its supply chains and business where it assesses or believes the potential risks of modern slavery to be higher, the Group uses a number of measures to mitigate and reduce such risks. These include:

    •conducting due diligence on suppliers, professionals, advisors and consultants, and contractors to identify and assess the risks of slavery and human trafficking as well as reviewing the measures already in place to address such risks, and any additional measures that may be warranted in light of such review;
    •developing a process for introducing appropriate contractual provisions in leases, supplier contracts and other commercial agreements and renewals of such existing contracts, which require a supplier, professional, advisor and consultant, or contractor to take steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its supply chains or in its business, and enable us to obtain information to confirm the foregoing;
    •the express or implied requirement on suppliers, professionals, advisors and consultants, and contractors to notify the Group of any breaches; and
    •engendering a business environment and working practices which are conducive to whistle blowers alerting us about actual or potential areas of concern or of their knowledge of instances where slavery and/or human trafficking is or is suspected of taking place.


The Group adheres to an ongoing policy of training and reminding its partners, directors, officers and employees (and where appropriate, suppliers, professionals, advisors and consultants, and contractors) of their obligations to comply with the relevant workplace and business policies and we have asked the Group’s General Counsel and compliance advisers to work with other stakeholders in its business to develop a strategy and approach for specific training in relation to the Act, to understanding the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in its supply chains and business and also to provide ongoing, real-time support wherever and whenever necessary or advisable.

Group Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking

To date, the Group has not been aware of any instances of slavery and human trafficking in its supply chains or business.

In the event a report is received, the Group will act immediately and resolutely. This can include working with suppliers to remedy any breaches, but also instantly terminating contracts, reporting to the appropriate legal authorities and/or other bodies, as appropriate.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Act and constitutes each member of the Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2021.

AGC Equity Partners Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. AGC Equity Partners Middle East is Regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority ©2021 AGC Equity Partners. All Rights Reserved.

Legal Disclaimers

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